It is not ok to assault people with mob mentality weariness of the public with the riots is palpable. The claim that these are but the understandable excesses of “peaceful protests” is getting stale. And the reaction against the riots and ruin in the Black communities, for whom they are allegedly being conducted is growing. CNN it's too early in the morning to look at Trump's face on Facebook I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet. Lol of course china wants us to stop talking about them. That's how they get away with taking advantage of us. Only Trump can save the United States. Biden dare not condemn China because Asia considers Biden to be a good friend of communism. If they do not come out to condemn human rights in China, then the American people will worry that the Chinese communist magic hand will reach the United States in the future and pose a threat. I think this is China saying " keep my name out of your mouth."
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