And it’s not just the flu isn’t under the coronavirus category like sars and mers maybe do a bit of research on your own before speaking but do we have a cure for flu? And coronavirus has flu-like symptoms and we don't have a cure for it, it goes on its own. Akapondo KansansaJenn Sanchez, it is like you don't know what ur saying or ur just ignorant, it is actually u who have to do some research or ask a doctor. Who told you that the flu (e.g common cold) has a vaccine if it has why do people contract it a year out the year in? What is wrong with people? Laughing and making light of this? It is REAL. happened to me EXACTLY only I was in the hospital for 12 days with severe pneumonia and 3. Of them in ICU. A terrifying and horrendous experience. It causes mast cells to behave inappropriately and mast cells release prostaglandins that cause hair loss and baldness.
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