Biden hasn't come up with a better health care system, he said we would stay with Obamacare and he would bring back the penalty fees if uninsured. And Obamacare is awful. oh and Biden has been in government 47 years and done nothing, zilch, zero, nada. You must have forgotten about how good Obama care was Biden has been in politics for what 40 years and was VP for 8, yet still has people believing he will do things he hasn't ever done.The government is not responsible for your health care. Get a job, take care of your self. Don't expect me or my tax dollars to take care of you. Stop thinking the government is your payday Joe Biden can do all these wonderful things. Why didn't he do it the 47 years he's already been in Washington? Doesn’t your employer provide healthcare? Or are you unemployed sucking off the government’s teats? Trump2020 and would you trust someone you don't even know his tax records and filed bankruptcy 5 times?
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